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Auto Winder

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  • #61
    It's nuthin' fancy. An eyelet folded like a taco. I wasn't sure how well it would last, but it seems to be holding up fine.
    Last edited by John_H; 05-10-2015, 02:30 AM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by John_H View Post
      I've already got a few reference marks on it. Once I have the center of the pivot aligned with the center of the bobbin it's not too difficult. If that's off center, the bias will affect the shape of the coil.

      Hi john_h very cool design! I've been thinking about your comment here and based on the pictures I'm not seeing how you are able to move the centre of the pivot to accommodate different bobbin widths. The traverse rod seems to have a unadjustable pivot point, unless I'm missing something.

      OH! i see how you've done it. Never mind
      Last edited by StarryNight; 05-12-2015, 06:15 AM.


      • #63
        Also, I probably missed it, but how do you reverse the direction of the sewing machine motor?

        Is it as simple as splicing the cable going to the motor and hooking the leads up to a switch of some sort? Any wiring diagrams for that (I know it's probably very simple, but high voltages/amps scare me a bit)?


        • #64
          On universal motors you need to switch both the armature wires and the brush wires to switch directions. 4 wires + 1 DPDT switch.


          • #65
            I bought a length of bike brake cable and have a plan to do a manual traverser with some sort of dial, joystick, or squeeze trigger. The cable is a smart way to transfer that linear motion.


            • #66
              An RC pushrod would also work and much easier to cut and adapt your needs. Did I mention the pretty colors?


              • #67
                Originally posted by David King View Post
                An RC pushrod would also work and much easier to cut and adapt your needs. Did I mention the pretty colors?
                Airplanes or cars in your past?

                My idea is to have a hand-held controller that allows me to sit back in a relaxed posture, press the accelerator pedal, and watch the layers build with the gentle movement of the dial/stick/trigger. I know how I want to build it, with springs to take the slack out of the cable in the sheath, but other projects (like those damn compressors!) are getting in the way. Soon, though, because I'm building bobbins with those transformer laminate cores.


                • #68
                  Possom's Winder (before he went CNC ) used an RC servo and a joy stick to control it. Springs will make your work harder which may not be a bad thing.
                  And yes I did a stint in the RC world in the 1970s, designed and machined a car with fully independent suspension, numerous wooden boats, gliders and designed and built some flying monstrosities including seaplanes. Lots of heartache with things that fly. Suddenly I got bored with it and got into music.


                  • #69
                    Three years later, and this thing still runs like a top. I've got a new dancer that I made from a spring. It works better than anything so far. This is at 1,500 rpm.


                    • #70
                      1500rpm! Damn!


                      • #71
                        Seven years now with this winder. It still works great. I'm currently paying the ransom at photobucket so the pictures will show up here.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by John_H View Post
                          Seven years now with this winder. It still works great. I'm currently paying the ransom at photobucket so the pictures will show up here.
                          The best tools are always the ones we design and fabricate ourselves.
                          Take Care,

                          Jim. . .
                          In the immortal words of Dr. Johnny Fever, “When everyone is out to get you, paranoid is just good thinking.”


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by John_H View Post
                            Seven years now with this winder. It still works great. I'm currently paying the ransom at photobucket so the pictures will show up here.
                            Hey john i was wondering if i could set up a time to pick your brain about this pickup winder. Ive followed this thread but i am still utterly lost. I tried to find you through other means (theres a lot of john hawkins who are/were luthiers for some reason) otherwise i wouldnt bother you on the forum. my facebook is
                            Last edited by kittentaser; 08-17-2020, 03:31 AM.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by kittentaser View Post

                              Hey john i was wondering if i could set up a time to pick your brain about this pickup winder. Ive followed this thread but i am still utterly lost. I tried to find you through other means (theres a lot of john hawkins who are/were luthiers for some reason) otherwise i wouldnt bother you on the forum. my facebook is
                              Thanks for your interest in this Colin. You're not the only one who is confused, so I made a little video after we communicated. I hope this helps everyone.

