New Month We are at $25 this month in Donations.Please consider making a donation. :)
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
looks good!
Am reminded of one of my favorite quotes: Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.
I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.
Blaise Pascal
By this I mean don't try to make it do everything conciseness is a difficult but desirable goal IMHO.
Well, the original post says all in one. So get as much useful stuff into it as possible !!!
Thanks guys it's still a work in progress, everything works now, need to get it on a pcb and getting to the point where I can build a couple of units..
Thanks guys it's still a work in progress, everything works now, need to get it on a pcb and getting to the point where I can build a couple of units..
would love some more resolution the 10bit ADC is OK, I love to work with the constraint of simple yet smart design,
The ARM-based Arduinos all have 12bit ADC and many of them cost less than $20 US.
Since the ARM CPUs have more memory and MIPS, floating point arithmetic is fully implemented in the Arduino/gcc libraries and in the printf() family of functions.
If the Arduino has an ARM Cortex M4, the floating point is in hardware and quite fast -- if you use floats instead of doubles.
"Det var helt Texas" is written Nowegian meaning "that's totally Texas." When spoken, it means "that's crazy."