Originally posted by R.G.
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They have etched anode foils and were used in an SMPS (boost converter for power factor correction).
I've had a few die abruptly. In my previous job I designed power supplies for a while, so I tended to be who got yelled at when something melted down in a customer's office, for whatever reason. It's unusual, but it does happen. Design for reliability is a demanding task, and all you have to go on is the statistics.
Significantly increased leakage or ESR can cause thermal runaway.
For a while I was in quality management, being responsible for a group of EEs.
We did things like product failure analysis (customer claims), component and supplier approvals, custom component specifications, derating guidelines and product lifetime calculations (using fit numbers and other data).
We actually life-tested hundreds of our products at elevated ambient temperature over years and analysed failure causes.