Originally posted by Mick Bailey
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It's worth the read, though. Self does a lot of detailed instrumentation as well as in-depth simulation looking for how to do things. One particularly illustrative chart I remember is that he did a graph of gain of the output stage, both above and below crossover, at various settings of bias current/voltage.
You would think that at some setting of bias, this would settle down to a smooth line at crossover, but it never does. Every possible bias setting has a wobble right at crossover. Self's conclusion is that there is some setting that is as good as it can get for a given pair of output devices, but never perfect.
The same line of thinking led him to model both Darlington/Emitter Follower output stages as well as complementary feedback PNP/NPN pairs. These have different and different sized crossover wobbles even when optimally biased.
There is a chapter on thermal compensation as well. Pretty much every new solid state amp using push-pull output stages uses a Vbe multiplier thermal compensation instead of discrete diodes like they used to. Self goes over the circuit tricks to make this stage be effectively an analog computer for thermal compensation. Apparently you can somewhat "model" the thermal response of the transistors on the heat sink, including the thermal lags with the thermal R-C issues. As an interesting point, the quickest way to get the "thermal information" of how hot the transistor chip inside the package might be is to put the thermal sensor over the chip on the outside of the transistor package, not on the heat sink.
Something that Self points out is that Sanken has actually made power transistors with integrated diodes on the transistor chip itself and brought this out to leads so the heat of the chip itself could at least potentially be sensed for temperature right on the chip.
Fascinating stuff.