I've got an old workhorse Peavey 6-channel powered head. The power board on back is a 400BH. I loaned it to a friend, and when I got it back, it blew a fuse the first time I plugged it in.
I 'think' I've got it narrowed down to a bad output transister (labelled 8113). The rest of the TO-3 size transistors are labelled 8026. I'm trying to find a suitable replacement. Mouser lists an NTE 130MP as a replacement. Is this what I'm going for?
Sorry for the stupidity, I'm an old tube guy, and working on this solid state stuff has me puzzled.
Thanks in advance!
I 'think' I've got it narrowed down to a bad output transister (labelled 8113). The rest of the TO-3 size transistors are labelled 8026. I'm trying to find a suitable replacement. Mouser lists an NTE 130MP as a replacement. Is this what I'm going for?
Sorry for the stupidity, I'm an old tube guy, and working on this solid state stuff has me puzzled.
Thanks in advance!