I was just listening to some music through it, and suddenly all the panel lights came on at half brightness and there was a loud hum through the speakers. Then it went completely dead with that dreadful smell of burning semiconductors... 
I don't need any help repairing it (I hope) - I just want to grumble about it. I've owned it for a few years and I'll probably find that the warranty expired yesterday! The unit has always run really hot, and the manual says that this is normal and it needs lots of ventilation. I'm guessing that the power supply will have overcooked itself and blown a rectifier, a regulator or whatever.

I don't need any help repairing it (I hope) - I just want to grumble about it. I've owned it for a few years and I'll probably find that the warranty expired yesterday! The unit has always run really hot, and the manual says that this is normal and it needs lots of ventilation. I'm guessing that the power supply will have overcooked itself and blown a rectifier, a regulator or whatever.