Hi, just joined the board so thought I would say hi. Been playing guitar and bass for a few years now; always repaired my own gear and learnt a bit along the way but seem to have loads of projects on the go at the moment so thought i would join up. Been spending quite a bit of time trying to plexi-fy my Laney AOR30 recently (tamind the fizzyness mainly and tightening up the bass), as well as playing around with the boost and tone stacks in a freinds Peavey C30. As well as that I am trying to "clone" a 60s Triumph Leo 7w valve amp in a turretboard layout.
I'm also midway through trying to repair my Trace Elliot gp12smx preamp at the moment after switching it on with the voltage selector knocked from 240 to 115v
it's mainly up and running but problems with hum in the graphic circuit, and the compressor doesn't seem to be working. I've re-capped the back board on the amp (surge took out all the 35v electro caps) and replaced the varistor so far, and having read the service manual on here am going to try replacing IC5 (on order) which seems to be used in both the graphic and the compressor. Anything else obvious I should be looking at after torturing it with far too many volts?
I'm also midway through trying to repair my Trace Elliot gp12smx preamp at the moment after switching it on with the voltage selector knocked from 240 to 115v
