A certain manufacturer we are authorized for wants us to upgrade the IDC's (Insulation Displacement Connectors) in their digital consoles (under warranty) with crimp-style Molex Spox high-pressure connectors. Great idea, I say. I've been seeing more and more of these 4-sided spring connectors, which unlike standard Molex .156" connectors, contact the terminal on four sides for better reliability and increased current handling capability, eliminating the melted connector shells we've probably all seen.
So, on their mod sheet, they list the head shells and terminals we need. What they DIDN'T tell us is that we need a DIFFERENT (pricey) Molex crimp tool that is solely for these terminals. We already have a .156" crimp tool (also pricey), but now we must go ahead and bite the bullet. Well, actually we already bit the bullet and purchased the new tool from the one available source, and $332 later, we can commence the tedious work of replacing the connectors. And there is no way to do it without the tooling.
Sometimes you need to purchase the right tools for the job, and just suck it up. We MIGHT be able to get the manufacturer to subsidize part of the cost, but well, that's a BIG maybe.
It never ends!!!
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So, on their mod sheet, they list the head shells and terminals we need. What they DIDN'T tell us is that we need a DIFFERENT (pricey) Molex crimp tool that is solely for these terminals. We already have a .156" crimp tool (also pricey), but now we must go ahead and bite the bullet. Well, actually we already bit the bullet and purchased the new tool from the one available source, and $332 later, we can commence the tedious work of replacing the connectors. And there is no way to do it without the tooling.
Sometimes you need to purchase the right tools for the job, and just suck it up. We MIGHT be able to get the manufacturer to subsidize part of the cost, but well, that's a BIG maybe.
It never ends!!!

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