I had a failure of my power supply phantom power regulator and guess what - the failure mode with the transistor is for the voltage to go from 48V to 80+volts! This quickly fried my blocking transistors and caused many other problems. I replaced all of the 47uf caps - replaced a couple of blown resistor - and believe it or not, have all but one channel working! I know I have 2 problems on this channel - the channel strip, and the input board. I am getting a visual inducation of sound (the peak indicator) off of the input board on channel 12 - but no sound to the mains. Now if I move this input board to the channel strips 13 to 24 - I get sound - but don't have any control of the gain pot. Same if I move it back down to channel strips one to 12 - it doesn't seem to make a difference where I place the gain pot - it shows the same indications on the peak indicator. So I know I have a problem in the channel strip board on Channel 12 - and a problem with the input board. The biggest problem is I don't have a schematic- so I'm very perplexed.
I have the following indications on the bad channel of the input board - Voltage measured across the zener resistors and resistors off of the 16V supply is 10.5 - on all other channels, it's 7.19. Voltage from ground to the lower side of the zeners and on the input to the transistors, and to the control of the op amp - is 5.4 volts! All other good channel strips show 9.1 volts. And the biggest mystery is that I have 4.6 volts at the gain pot - on both sides of the pot! On all good channels, I have less than .1 volts.
Now - I've replaced the dual op amp - (NJM 4580L) - replaced all 4 pnp and npn transistors, pulled up and checked the value of all resistors - and replaced all but the ceramic capacitors.
Still no luck! Very tough without a schematic!
Anyone have any ideas?
I have the following indications on the bad channel of the input board - Voltage measured across the zener resistors and resistors off of the 16V supply is 10.5 - on all other channels, it's 7.19. Voltage from ground to the lower side of the zeners and on the input to the transistors, and to the control of the op amp - is 5.4 volts! All other good channel strips show 9.1 volts. And the biggest mystery is that I have 4.6 volts at the gain pot - on both sides of the pot! On all good channels, I have less than .1 volts.
Now - I've replaced the dual op amp - (NJM 4580L) - replaced all 4 pnp and npn transistors, pulled up and checked the value of all resistors - and replaced all but the ceramic capacitors.
Still no luck! Very tough without a schematic!
Anyone have any ideas?