That was a real kick start of a second wave of growth and the US becoming a major player in high tech. Unfortunately, the bright kids today are funneled into business/finance instead of science and engineering.
I was also stargazed when visiting our local surplus dealer, Don Luis Deza.
A half block mountain of junk, with narrow "tunnels" where you had to walk sideways because of lack of space.
All sorts of wonderful military transceivers , microwave test equipment, *huge* thousands of volts transmitter capacitors, selsyns, motorconverters, vibrators, etc.
I bought serving tray size IBM boards by the kilo or by the dozen (take your pick) and cannibalized them for parts, using the burn and slam technique.
What's *that*?: it was too slow to desolder part by part, so I took the Zen Buddhist "mind over matter" soft approach: I heated the solder side with a propane torch and when solder became bright I slammed the board over some newspaper, to catch the molten solder, then re-heated a little and slammed it again, component side down, into a wooden box to catch the miraculous rain of components.
Better wear eye protection !!
They were also the only source of now common computer fans, although most were either wonderful cast frame German Papst or Canadian Rotron.
Once I bought a beautiful, bright yellow/orange emergency transmitter, the kind you strap to your chest, power it from protruding hand-churned generator handles, hang the antenna wire from a baloon (which had turned into gunk) and automatically transmits S O S .
When I opened it and started turning the (stiff) handles , filaments glowed and it started transmitting !!!!!!
As a side note, once I visited the shop and the owner was *very* upset.
-"Ungrateful guys these Air Force officers, I buy all of their junk, yet now they call me names, they call me vulture"
- "And why would they do so, Mr Deza?"
- "Do you remember the helicopter that crashed last week at Air Base Morón? ... I heard news on the radio and went there to make my offer for the remains, as-is, as usual, before any other dealer beat me ... Is it my fault that they still hadn't pulled the pilot's body from it?"
Best of all, the crashed helicopter was already in his junkyard !!!!