I’m working on a MX2000a.
I need to replace 2 Mosfet transistors in the unit.
The QSC part number is QD-000031-QD which looking on the web has been replaced with an IRFZ44N. Now QSC doesn't want that part used but gives no other good part number but the QSC part number.
There was mention of a IRF1407 but QSC really didn't support it.
Anyone have an idea what to replace this PITA with?
(Stepping up on soapbox)
I hate oem part numbers for standard semiconductors what a PITA.
Companies like this need to get over themselves; they buy a standard part and just re-label it. It cost them more money it costs the consumer more money and waists a lot of time doing this smoke and mirrors stuff. At least companies like Peavey aren’t a pain about it.
I can understand truly OEM parts but sometimes its just plain ridiculous.
(Stepping off soapbox)
I need to replace 2 Mosfet transistors in the unit.
The QSC part number is QD-000031-QD which looking on the web has been replaced with an IRFZ44N. Now QSC doesn't want that part used but gives no other good part number but the QSC part number.
There was mention of a IRF1407 but QSC really didn't support it.
Anyone have an idea what to replace this PITA with?
(Stepping up on soapbox)
I hate oem part numbers for standard semiconductors what a PITA.
Companies like this need to get over themselves; they buy a standard part and just re-label it. It cost them more money it costs the consumer more money and waists a lot of time doing this smoke and mirrors stuff. At least companies like Peavey aren’t a pain about it.
I can understand truly OEM parts but sometimes its just plain ridiculous.
(Stepping off soapbox)