I have to admit, I am a tube guy. My solid state knowledge is not that deep, although I think I have the basics covered.
Unfortunately, most amps I get for repair are SS - not tubes. 60% of them have shorted power amp MOSFETs or bipolar transistors.
Provided I was able to find suitable parts, I can replace them and most amps work again.
My questions are:
1.There is a trim pot on the power amp PCB most of times.
When I have a service manual (I almost never have) things are clear. The manual says where to measure what and how to adjust that trim pot.
If I do not have service manual - I don`t know what do do with this pot.
I have tried to bring the amp to full power and see if I can get a cross over notch on the scope and adjust the pot until it disappears. The problem is : There is no crossover notch.
I measured DC at the output and tried to adjust the pot to read zero. No DC can be adjusted.
So : How to figure out what to do with this pot ?
Example: Right now I have a power mixer with blown ECX10P20/ECX10N20 MOSFETs and an Gallien Krüger bass amp with TIP35+36 BJTs.
Both have trim pots.
Is there a logical way to handle these trim pots ? I hope so!
2. Sometimes (not very often) the solid state amp works after I have replaced blown BJTs for a short while and than blows the BJTs again. It could be that I just did not adjust the trim pot correctly.
It could be that pairs (PNP,NPN or P-channel, N-channel) BJTs or MOSFETs have to me paired / matched to work stable for a long time ?
I really don't know!
Thanks for your help!
I have to admit, I am a tube guy. My solid state knowledge is not that deep, although I think I have the basics covered.
Unfortunately, most amps I get for repair are SS - not tubes. 60% of them have shorted power amp MOSFETs or bipolar transistors.
Provided I was able to find suitable parts, I can replace them and most amps work again.
My questions are:
1.There is a trim pot on the power amp PCB most of times.
When I have a service manual (I almost never have) things are clear. The manual says where to measure what and how to adjust that trim pot.
If I do not have service manual - I don`t know what do do with this pot.
I have tried to bring the amp to full power and see if I can get a cross over notch on the scope and adjust the pot until it disappears. The problem is : There is no crossover notch.
I measured DC at the output and tried to adjust the pot to read zero. No DC can be adjusted.
So : How to figure out what to do with this pot ?
Example: Right now I have a power mixer with blown ECX10P20/ECX10N20 MOSFETs and an Gallien Krüger bass amp with TIP35+36 BJTs.
Both have trim pots.
Is there a logical way to handle these trim pots ? I hope so!
2. Sometimes (not very often) the solid state amp works after I have replaced blown BJTs for a short while and than blows the BJTs again. It could be that I just did not adjust the trim pot correctly.
It could be that pairs (PNP,NPN or P-channel, N-channel) BJTs or MOSFETs have to me paired / matched to work stable for a long time ?
I really don't know!

Thanks for your help!