Over the past few weeks I have been designing up a test rig for hooking up amps.
This last weekend I started building up the pieces.
Its setup so that I can select inputs A or B which are isolated stereo inputs via Binding posts.
These allow me to hook up a set of speakon connectors to Set A and 1/4" standard jacks for Set B. and depending on which I need I flick a switch. I can also hook banana jacks and other combinations. These have taps for my oscope to connect easily to.
Then there is a switch that ether sends the Audio signal(s) to the speakers or a dummy load. another Switch allows me to select an internal 8 Ohm 100W stereo load or an external 4 Ohm 1KW stereo load.
An additional switch allows me to select to monitor the dummy load through a high resistance to the speakers or headphones with separate "volume" knobs.
This allows high volumes for testing without having to blow my eardrums.
This last weekend I started building up the pieces.
Its setup so that I can select inputs A or B which are isolated stereo inputs via Binding posts.
These allow me to hook up a set of speakon connectors to Set A and 1/4" standard jacks for Set B. and depending on which I need I flick a switch. I can also hook banana jacks and other combinations. These have taps for my oscope to connect easily to.
Then there is a switch that ether sends the Audio signal(s) to the speakers or a dummy load. another Switch allows me to select an internal 8 Ohm 100W stereo load or an external 4 Ohm 1KW stereo load.
An additional switch allows me to select to monitor the dummy load through a high resistance to the speakers or headphones with separate "volume" knobs.
This allows high volumes for testing without having to blow my eardrums.