Hi guys, a friend needs a source for the treble potentiometer in a Mesa Mark II B ; it's 250K Log taper , has a push-pull switch and striated shaft (per his description).
Any suggestion?
Mouser carries "split shaft (striated?) pots with a PP DPDT switch in 16mm linear or audio taper with solder or PC lugs. It's Almost impossible to isolate them in the search engine or I would post a link but they are in the paper catalog.
You can Email or call them and they will help isolate the PN for you.
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"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
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Thanks a lot.
Any clickable links? My friend lives in Brazil, he'll order it with his international credit card.
His "engrish" is not very good, so I'll check first and send him "paint by the colour" instructions.
EDIT: I've already found some links.
Thanks again.
Mesa has historically been very good and reasonably priced for parts. Why not try them?
Except the Mesa pots are D shaft or set screw, panel mount with solder posts - almost certainly on a MkIIb. I think your friend is confused.
Call Mesa for the pot and the knob. A few years ago they changed the shape of the D shaft and the knobs are not interchangeable from year to year so it's best to get both at the same time.
Hi Ronsonic, thanks.
I already passed the info to my friend, who certainly had no idea of the pot/knob fitting problem.
"Somebody" had told him that "the Mesa pot is not the same as a (typical) guitar pot", now I think he referred to the physical part, many modern guitar pots are striated.
Just for fun, I you want to follow what happens and polish your Portuguese ¿¿¿??? : orkut -