I currently play through a bogner alchemist 1x12 combo. I LOVE IT. except for one thing. During gigs it is not loud enough. Its only 40 watts and im squeezing every ounce of juice from the little guy and its just bareley keeping up. My plan is this, becasue i love the tone of it and the setup and dont want to change anything about it becasue even the built in delay has become part of a couple of our songs. i know i could dial in the sound from a pedal but i dont have that kinda money to buy a new amp and a pedal..and i really wanna do this.
I plan on taking the Amp itself out of the combo. Basically turning it into a head.
I wanna run the preamp from the end of my effects chain into somethign like a Mesa 50/50. A tube power amp. and then im gonna run that into some kidna stack. my question is...is there any way to run the amp itself without having to have the actual speaker jack plugged into something or am i gonna need a dummy load..or is there a way where i can jsut cut out the power section of the amp completely from the operation beacuse it seems like such a waste of energy and im only after the preamp here. i know this is some heavy duty stuff but i wanna do it. this amp is an intregal part of my playing and i cant afford to jsut go pick up something bigger
I mean people have been moddint tube amps..since they were made..is there a way to jsut get more juice out of it? like more power tubes..idk. im not an electrician...i just wanna know if any of this is possible..and if not..i gotta sell this freakin thing and start over again....anyone wanna buy a bogneralchemist 1x12?
I plan on taking the Amp itself out of the combo. Basically turning it into a head.
I wanna run the preamp from the end of my effects chain into somethign like a Mesa 50/50. A tube power amp. and then im gonna run that into some kidna stack. my question is...is there any way to run the amp itself without having to have the actual speaker jack plugged into something or am i gonna need a dummy load..or is there a way where i can jsut cut out the power section of the amp completely from the operation beacuse it seems like such a waste of energy and im only after the preamp here. i know this is some heavy duty stuff but i wanna do it. this amp is an intregal part of my playing and i cant afford to jsut go pick up something bigger
I mean people have been moddint tube amps..since they were made..is there a way to jsut get more juice out of it? like more power tubes..idk. im not an electrician...i just wanna know if any of this is possible..and if not..i gotta sell this freakin thing and start over again....anyone wanna buy a bogneralchemist 1x12?