Hi everyone i hope you all had a great easter!!
I'v just got a PMX2000 thats blowing the main fuse every time its switched on, but not the two fuses on the board. If i conect a light bulb in line on the 240 power supply and disconect the gray wires from the transformer to terminals X1 & X2 the light goes out !! so im guessing that this is the problem circut. I'v not gone much further then checking the board & components for any visual signs of a fault but all seens like new, 'like new' is a term i use very strong for this mixer as i dont think its ever worked in its life"factory fault maybe", There is not a speck of dust anywhere in the unit and all conections are scratch free!!
If you guys know anything about the circut that you maybe abel to share with me i would be very greatful.
I'v just put a multi meter across the (A1943)output transisters T1,T2,T7,T8 and they are showing a closed curcut across all three pins on any transister, and the other four transisters T3,T4,T5,T6 are giving a reading 440mv on terminals 1 & 3!! Could that mean the first four transisters are shorting? note i'v not removed any for the test.
Nice1 guys take care
I'v just got a PMX2000 thats blowing the main fuse every time its switched on, but not the two fuses on the board. If i conect a light bulb in line on the 240 power supply and disconect the gray wires from the transformer to terminals X1 & X2 the light goes out !! so im guessing that this is the problem circut. I'v not gone much further then checking the board & components for any visual signs of a fault but all seens like new, 'like new' is a term i use very strong for this mixer as i dont think its ever worked in its life"factory fault maybe", There is not a speck of dust anywhere in the unit and all conections are scratch free!!
If you guys know anything about the circut that you maybe abel to share with me i would be very greatful.
I'v just put a multi meter across the (A1943)output transisters T1,T2,T7,T8 and they are showing a closed curcut across all three pins on any transister, and the other four transisters T3,T4,T5,T6 are giving a reading 440mv on terminals 1 & 3!! Could that mean the first four transisters are shorting? note i'v not removed any for the test.
Nice1 guys take care
