Hey Everyone,
I'm currently troubleshooting a 'Woogie' hybrid guitar amp (made in South Australia) and have hit a brick wall in my thought patterns.
The power amp is comprised of two pairs of npn transitors, the bases of the pair with collectors connected to v+ (lets call them Q1 and Q2) are connected to the emitter of a pnp transistor (Q3) and the bases of the pair with emitters connected to v- (Q4 + Q5) are connected to the collector of an npn transistor (lets call it Q6).
Symptoms are:
Low voltage - 20v from v- to v+, should be about 60 (I'm using a lightbulb limiter)
Reading of .023 volts on the base of Q6 relative to V-, even though it's tied to 'theoretical ground' (the point that the r22 ballast resistors all star at, and is coupled to the output jack via a big fat cap) via a 150 ohm resistor.
Also, 'theoretical ground' measures at only 3.3 volts relative to v-, shouldn't this be more like about 10volts (halfway between v- and v+).
So, if I pull Q6 my [ v- to v+ ] reading drops even lower to 3.1 volts and current draw is epic, says the brightness of the lamp. Voltage proportions seem about right though (all be them super low), theoretical ground is at 1.5 volts, base of Q4 and Q5 are at .7 volts.
Then, if I lift the connection to the bases of Q4 and Q5 [ v- to v+ ] rises to about 55 volts.
All power transistors test good and Q5 has been replaced already (as the old one measured slightly funny), Q3 and Q4 are also new.
I've been over this one with a fine toothed comb and am going a little crazy here, can anyone lend some insight?
I can scan in a schematic if need be, you probably won't find one on the net.
I'm currently troubleshooting a 'Woogie' hybrid guitar amp (made in South Australia) and have hit a brick wall in my thought patterns.
The power amp is comprised of two pairs of npn transitors, the bases of the pair with collectors connected to v+ (lets call them Q1 and Q2) are connected to the emitter of a pnp transistor (Q3) and the bases of the pair with emitters connected to v- (Q4 + Q5) are connected to the collector of an npn transistor (lets call it Q6).
Symptoms are:
Low voltage - 20v from v- to v+, should be about 60 (I'm using a lightbulb limiter)
Reading of .023 volts on the base of Q6 relative to V-, even though it's tied to 'theoretical ground' (the point that the r22 ballast resistors all star at, and is coupled to the output jack via a big fat cap) via a 150 ohm resistor.
Also, 'theoretical ground' measures at only 3.3 volts relative to v-, shouldn't this be more like about 10volts (halfway between v- and v+).
So, if I pull Q6 my [ v- to v+ ] reading drops even lower to 3.1 volts and current draw is epic, says the brightness of the lamp. Voltage proportions seem about right though (all be them super low), theoretical ground is at 1.5 volts, base of Q4 and Q5 are at .7 volts.
Then, if I lift the connection to the bases of Q4 and Q5 [ v- to v+ ] rises to about 55 volts.
All power transistors test good and Q5 has been replaced already (as the old one measured slightly funny), Q3 and Q4 are also new.
I've been over this one with a fine toothed comb and am going a little crazy here, can anyone lend some insight?
I can scan in a schematic if need be, you probably won't find one on the net.