l got a big case of dumbass
this past weekend and broke the trimmer used to bias my Marshall Haze 40 guitar amp
. It says very clearly on it that it is made by a company named Piher in Spain, and the value is 47K150M. So I went to various big companies like Mouser, etc, on the internet and entered the information. While they had trimmers made by this company, they didn't have any labeled or depicting the one I need or the information shown on the trimmer in my amp. Anybody have any ideas on where I might be able to find this part at? The only place I haven't looked is at the Marshall company it'sself. Ususally amp companies charge more for parts than you can get them elsewhere and take a long time to get. I wish I was smart enough to put a better trimmer in it's place. Maybe one with a shaft sticking up out of the trimmer instead of one that requires a screwdriver stuck down in the trimmer. It's got three legs on it. Mouser had a ton of choices but when I make stupid mistakes like I did on this amp I loose confidence in myself and get a little gunshy to venture out and try something outside the norm if I'm not sure what I'm doing
Now I'm gona tell on myself and the big case of dumbass I got while working on my Haze 40. I just got finished installing a new Mercury Magnetics Output Transformer trying to see if I could get a better sound out of my amp. I use Svetlana tubes in my Marshall and I reached down and got a pair of Svetlana 6L6s
instead of the Svetlana EL 34s
that I was suppose to be putting in the amp. One question I have is....I checked my voltage when I put the 6L6s in and I had 460 volts. I looked at a chart and determined that I needed to bias the amp between 28 ma and 39 ma. I got one side down to 32ma and the other side down 30ma before I realized that the 28 ma I was trying to get down to was the cool side. I broke the trimmer trying to get it to go on down to 28 ma. Since I was able to adjust the bias within specs with the 6L6s in it does that mean that I could run both 6L6s and EL 34s in this amp. Or is there something that I dont' know that would prohibit using the 6L6s. I hope I didn't damage my new $180 output transformer. I would appreciate any input I can get on where to get the trimmer and the other things I wrote about please. Could someone also tell me how to fuse or some way of installing something to protect my new transformer from me getting another case of the dumbass or some other transformer frying occurrance?
