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EH Speakers, anyone using them?

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  • EH Speakers, anyone using them?

    Any opinions about these? Electro Harmonix Speakers

    The prices seem attractive, wondering if anyone else has used them in a project.

  • #2
    Originally posted by jmaf View Post
    Any opinions about these? Electro Harmonix Speakers

    The prices seem attractive, wondering if anyone else has used them in a project.
    They must be fairly new.
    I did a search and didn't come up with much.
    How about the Eminence Redcoat Line?
    I've been Dying to try a Eminence Wizard Speaker.
    If you have a Mojo Dealer Discount, these are Cheap!
    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


    • #3
      A buddy has got a Wizard speaker. It's really efficient but the tone is all midrange, nothing much at the top or bottom, not like any classic Celestion. He might have sold it by now, just about anything else sounded better - a G12-65 is his current favourite.
      My band:-


      • #4
        Hi JMAF, you want to import them from USA or buy the ones that are available in Brazil?
        I think you were tempted by those sold in the Multicomercial of São Paulo for R$ (Brazilian Reals)159 , half the price of Legend Eminences and 1/4 the price of Celestions.
        They are Chinese copies of Eminences (that explains the low Brazilian price), Electro Harmonix ordered them and now they are being sold as surplus (preço de banana), I think that explains a lot.
        I found them muddy, what a car speaker maker would make.
        If you use them alone, they may seem to pay, but they disappear in the mix.
        Personally, for the same price I would buy locally a Selenium 12PW3, which are better than what Brazilians think.
        If you want to import from US, for the same or less price you can buy much better Eminences or Jensens.(Or WGS, etc.)
        To read a (Portuguese) discussion about them: Falante Electro Harmonix 12VR8
        Good luck.

        EDIT: found this direct comparison:
        Last edited by J M Fahey; 11-05-2011, 09:04 PM.
        Juan Manuel Fahey


        • #5
          Thanks for your replies, Terry and pdf64.

          JM Fahey, thanks so much for your pointers. It's been a year now since I've walked into Multcomercial, crowded street there. I used to buy from Tatu(Armadillo? His real name is Alex). I didn't look there, didn't know they carried them, but I probably would've been curious all the same. In fact, you concluded where I started: I found them while searching for Selenium 12G1 (or something like that). Looks like hey were discontinued? What is their relation to the 12PW3, if any?

          In your opinion, did the JBL merger bring quality into Selenium? I recall 20 years ago, we were sort of prejudiced against Selenium and Novik. Has this scenario changed IYO? Thanks again.


          • #6
            Hi jmaf.
            I didn´t get to test the Selenium 12G1, they are new and nobody carries them, they have to be special ordered.
            I have had quite a few clients who used the 12PW3 . Not bad, only they are PA speakers, not guitar ones.
            Frames, voice coils and magnets are reasonably good, but cones are too thick, heavy and not ribbed, plus they use a sparkle killing too heavy aluminum dome.
            People complain that "they are too trebly" while really they have no true treble but a very annoying peak around 2KHz , and almost nothing above that.
            Anyway they are usable, the best (or the less bad) easily available everywhere.
            Selenium is a good company, but the PA market (specially in Brazil) is 50X the guitar market , so they make what sells best and paint a few woofers orange , labelling them Guitar Speakers, to make those crazy rockers happy ... sort of.
            The 12G1 should be somewhat better ... if you could find one.
            Their Bullet tweeters and Horn Drivers are excellent, but of no use to us.
            As of the Big Corporation deals, truth is that Harman International, who is buying everybody here and there, has bought JBL among a lot of other famous companies, mainly to be able to use the Famous Trademarks on Chinese mass produced cheaper products, and also bought Selenium, to have free access to the closed and protected Brazilian market.
            It does *not* mean that Selenium will start producing JBL clones at lower cost or anything similar, they were bought for what they already do, and their 50% Market share, plus allowing Harmon to play with the Verde Amarela Seleção T Shirt.
            The old Noviks were quite good if you can find an original one.
            Reconers usually "improve" them by sticking heavy cones and 300W coils , killing them for Guitar use.
            Juan Manuel Fahey


            • #7
              Originally posted by J M Fahey View Post
              Hi jmaf.
              I didn´t get to test the Selenium 12G1, they are new and nobody carries them, they have to be special ordered.
              I have had quite a few clients who used the 12PW3 . Not bad, only they are PA speakers, not guitar ones.
              Frames, voice coils and magnets are reasonably good, but cones are too thick, heavy and not ribbed, plus they use a sparkle killing too heavy aluminum dome.
              People complain that "they are too trebly" while really they have no true treble but a very annoying peak around 2KHz , and almost nothing above that.
              Anyway they are usable, the best (or the less bad) easily available everywhere.
              Selenium is a good company, but the PA market (specially in Brazil) is 50X the guitar market , so they make what sells best and paint a few woofers orange , labelling them Guitar Speakers, to make those crazy rockers happy ... sort of.
              The 12G1 should be somewhat better ... if you could find one.
              Their Bullet tweeters and Horn Drivers are excellent, but of no use to us.
              As of the Big Corporation deals, truth is that Harman International, who is buying everybody here and there, has bought JBL among a lot of other famous companies, mainly to be able to use the Famous Trademarks on Chinese mass produced cheaper products, and also bought Selenium, to have free access to the closed and protected Brazilian market.
              It does *not* mean that Selenium will start producing JBL clones at lower cost or anything similar, they were bought for what they already do, and their 50% Market share, plus allowing Harmon to play with the Verde Amarela Seleção T Shirt.
              The old Noviks were quite good if you can find an original one.
              Reconers usually "improve" them by sticking heavy cones and 300W coils , killing them for Guitar use.
              A treasure trove in information, thanks JM.

