I have a noise issue that is driving me bonkers, and need help figuring out what to do about it. The noise is a constant buzz that is noticeable at all times, but usually manageable; without a compressor, the noise gate in my amp seems to take care of it unless I'm using a phaser effect or something, and even then it's not too bad. The trouble is that compression is an essential part of my sound, and my compressor magnifies the buzz to unbearable levels, especially at higher volumes at which I play with other people, and in this case the noise gate is useless.
My rig is thus: 1) The guitar (a Godin LG with P90 pickups...yes, they are single coil, but should they make THIS much noise??); 2) a brand new Mogami Gold 18' cable; 3) a unity-gain buffer/line driver (Fryette Valvulator I); 4) the compressor (a Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone that I bought used); 5) an octave divider (Boss OC-3); 6) a modified Tube Screamer (Ibanez TS9 w/808 mod); 7) an overdrive/distortion pedal (Boss OS-2); 8) a Monster Rock 3' cable; and 9) the small amp (a Fender Mustang I with various effects settings).
The noise happens at different locations, but not ALL locations (for instance, not in Guitar Center, so nobody there can help me), so it's something to do with building wiring? If I bypass ALL my effects and the buffer and just go straight to the amp, the noise is still there, but no worse than your typical 60-cycle hum that you would expect. Nor does it seem to be exacerbated by the buffer or any effects other than the compressor, at least not to an intolerable degree. But please note that even the compressor does not make this happen everywhere (i.e., not in Guitar Center). On the other hand, I have used a circuit tester on the outlet I'm plugged into, and it reads correct.
I have tried isolating EVERYTHING, to no useful conclusion. I have tried adding a Furman power conditioner to the rig: no change whatsoever, so I returned it and went back to using a regular power strip. It is clear that the noise is coming from the guitar itself, but it is not clear why the noise should be of such a nature that I can't use my compressor at all; in any case, the one repair guy I took the guitar to can find nothing wrong. My next step, I guess, will be to take the compressor into a shop to have IT taken apart and looked at, to what avail I hesitate to hope. If that does fail, the only options I can think of are: 1) simply not using the compressor, which is extremely irksome; and 2) trading in my guitar for another, which would break my heart as the Godin is one of the nicest axes I've ever heard.
If anybody has any other suggestions, nothing is too crazy at this point.
My rig is thus: 1) The guitar (a Godin LG with P90 pickups...yes, they are single coil, but should they make THIS much noise??); 2) a brand new Mogami Gold 18' cable; 3) a unity-gain buffer/line driver (Fryette Valvulator I); 4) the compressor (a Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone that I bought used); 5) an octave divider (Boss OC-3); 6) a modified Tube Screamer (Ibanez TS9 w/808 mod); 7) an overdrive/distortion pedal (Boss OS-2); 8) a Monster Rock 3' cable; and 9) the small amp (a Fender Mustang I with various effects settings).
The noise happens at different locations, but not ALL locations (for instance, not in Guitar Center, so nobody there can help me), so it's something to do with building wiring? If I bypass ALL my effects and the buffer and just go straight to the amp, the noise is still there, but no worse than your typical 60-cycle hum that you would expect. Nor does it seem to be exacerbated by the buffer or any effects other than the compressor, at least not to an intolerable degree. But please note that even the compressor does not make this happen everywhere (i.e., not in Guitar Center). On the other hand, I have used a circuit tester on the outlet I'm plugged into, and it reads correct.
I have tried isolating EVERYTHING, to no useful conclusion. I have tried adding a Furman power conditioner to the rig: no change whatsoever, so I returned it and went back to using a regular power strip. It is clear that the noise is coming from the guitar itself, but it is not clear why the noise should be of such a nature that I can't use my compressor at all; in any case, the one repair guy I took the guitar to can find nothing wrong. My next step, I guess, will be to take the compressor into a shop to have IT taken apart and looked at, to what avail I hesitate to hope. If that does fail, the only options I can think of are: 1) simply not using the compressor, which is extremely irksome; and 2) trading in my guitar for another, which would break my heart as the Godin is one of the nicest axes I've ever heard.
If anybody has any other suggestions, nothing is too crazy at this point.