Originally posted by Brad1
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Example: You know that tiny can of "gasoline conditioner" they sell at the auto parts store for adding to old gas??? It helps separate the water and dissolve varnishing in your gas tank. It costs about five bucks for a four ounce container. If you read the ingredients you'll see it's nothing but mineral spirits. Yup, the same stuff as ordinary paint thinner. But someone puts in a little can labled for an alternative use and charges nearly twenty times the price you would pay for the same stuff at the paint store.
All I'm saying is, what makes actual fader lube better and less prone to gunk or cause problems than WD40. I don't use WD40 for this task, but people have been doing it forever.
It's one thing to think your doing the right thing by using the advertised applicable product. And it's a very satisfying feeling. But it's quite another thing to know the truth of an issue. And considering it now I have to admit that I don't.