I have built something like a power supply to test capacitors for leakage. That is a transformer, a rectifier bridge, a little filtering and the components needed to test the caps.
I get 750 volts out of it which is ok to test 600 to 1000 volts coupling caps, but too much to test something like 200 volt ones.
Now, the problem I have is that there's quite a bit too much current to use a simple resistor voltage divider arrange to drop the voltage to other values like 200 and 400 volts, because to test the caps I guess I only need a little current and resistors would be huge wattage to handle so much a voltage drop.
Which could be a better approach to obtain approx. 200 volts and 400 volts from my 750 volts power supply?
Thanks in advance.
I have built something like a power supply to test capacitors for leakage. That is a transformer, a rectifier bridge, a little filtering and the components needed to test the caps.
I get 750 volts out of it which is ok to test 600 to 1000 volts coupling caps, but too much to test something like 200 volt ones.
Now, the problem I have is that there's quite a bit too much current to use a simple resistor voltage divider arrange to drop the voltage to other values like 200 and 400 volts, because to test the caps I guess I only need a little current and resistors would be huge wattage to handle so much a voltage drop.
Which could be a better approach to obtain approx. 200 volts and 400 volts from my 750 volts power supply?
Thanks in advance.