tonequester here.
Greetings madkatb. just wanted you to be on the lookout for a money order that i sent you yesterday for the shipping on the " '57 special" that you sent me.
I keep it close, and read it often, taking notes as I go along. The tube info is great, and I was surprised that in '57 they were already getting into transistors. I'm still trying to make the donation to the forum. I don't use plastic(for good reasons) and I thought it would be simple enough to contact the administrators for directions and address to send it. However, they have not replied to my e-mails. I just posted in the chat room to see if anybody knows anything. Be assured that i'll get it to them by hook or by crook. Thanks again for the great book. I hope all is well up north. Were baking in the shade down here, but the projects go on, and I have just the book to help me thanks
to you. tonequester.
Greetings madkatb. just wanted you to be on the lookout for a money order that i sent you yesterday for the shipping on the " '57 special" that you sent me.
I keep it close, and read it often, taking notes as I go along. The tube info is great, and I was surprised that in '57 they were already getting into transistors. I'm still trying to make the donation to the forum. I don't use plastic(for good reasons) and I thought it would be simple enough to contact the administrators for directions and address to send it. However, they have not replied to my e-mails. I just posted in the chat room to see if anybody knows anything. Be assured that i'll get it to them by hook or by crook. Thanks again for the great book. I hope all is well up north. Were baking in the shade down here, but the projects go on, and I have just the book to help me thanks
to you. tonequester.