Well, my neighbour is a Carpenter who is famous in the PA community for making excellent W-Bins (ancient name for big folded horn PA enclosures)
He is also well known among Architects who custom design and furnish huge Trade Shows (Cars/Computers/Harvesting machines/Clothing/Cosmetics/you name it).
The Million Dollar question: guess which of those two lines paid for his car/home/kids study/holidays/etc. ?
Yup, you guessed right.
By the way, with cheap tax free Chinese imports first and later move to small "line array" systems , he has only built a few subwoofer boxes in the last years, for PA and DJ use, but the commercial booths never stop.
Regularly (as in, say, 1 week every 60 days) I can't sleep because his shop becomes a 24/7 beehive of whining saws, frantic hammering, pneumatic machines, paint and adhesives smell, the works.
I don't complain, of course, I moved to this Port neighbourhood to be able to do exactly the same
At a much relaxed pace, of course.
And mind you: he designs nothing, the Architects hand him the blueprints and then supervise the installations.
To each his own.
He is also well known among Architects who custom design and furnish huge Trade Shows (Cars/Computers/Harvesting machines/Clothing/Cosmetics/you name it).
The Million Dollar question: guess which of those two lines paid for his car/home/kids study/holidays/etc. ?
Yup, you guessed right.
By the way, with cheap tax free Chinese imports first and later move to small "line array" systems , he has only built a few subwoofer boxes in the last years, for PA and DJ use, but the commercial booths never stop.
Regularly (as in, say, 1 week every 60 days) I can't sleep because his shop becomes a 24/7 beehive of whining saws, frantic hammering, pneumatic machines, paint and adhesives smell, the works.
I don't complain, of course, I moved to this Port neighbourhood to be able to do exactly the same
At a much relaxed pace, of course.
And mind you: he designs nothing, the Architects hand him the blueprints and then supervise the installations.
To each his own.