Just a note to describe an interesting and frustrating repair on my bench. A GK 1001RB took out the output section, emitter resistors, drivers, pre-drivers, a couple zeners, the bias offset transistors and a bunch of fuse resistors.
I thought myself lucky to find the only 2SC5242 Toshiba power transistors in the city although there were several suppliers of the compliment 2SA1962's. All had the NPN's on back order. I replaced all the parts that were bad and tested the unit, worked fine up to the level of the second tier rails and it pulled increasing current without a load, no distortion, just higher current with increasing signal and no offset. The problem was traced to a pair of 2SC5242's.
I pulled them out and tested their curves on my Fairchild curve tracer....very high gain, like a Darlington. They ARE Darlingtons inside but the case is clearly marked C5242 Toshiba. I pulled all the rest they were normal transistors with identical markings. I checked the 8 extras I bought for stock and found 1 more that was very high gain. On closer inspection it seems they are slightly different in the polish of the metal heat transfer area, the good ones are polished shiny metal and fake versions are a dull grey, unpolished, not shiny at all.
I can't say I have ever run into that before.
Now all OK but wasted a few hours needlessly it.
I thought myself lucky to find the only 2SC5242 Toshiba power transistors in the city although there were several suppliers of the compliment 2SA1962's. All had the NPN's on back order. I replaced all the parts that were bad and tested the unit, worked fine up to the level of the second tier rails and it pulled increasing current without a load, no distortion, just higher current with increasing signal and no offset. The problem was traced to a pair of 2SC5242's.
I pulled them out and tested their curves on my Fairchild curve tracer....very high gain, like a Darlington. They ARE Darlingtons inside but the case is clearly marked C5242 Toshiba. I pulled all the rest they were normal transistors with identical markings. I checked the 8 extras I bought for stock and found 1 more that was very high gain. On closer inspection it seems they are slightly different in the polish of the metal heat transfer area, the good ones are polished shiny metal and fake versions are a dull grey, unpolished, not shiny at all.
I can't say I have ever run into that before.
Now all OK but wasted a few hours needlessly it.