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problems with MOON audio mixer MC606 BETA

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  • problems with MOON audio mixer MC606 BETA

    Hello there!
    I'm fixing this small mixing console with 10 inputs -2 balanced, 8 unbalanced- that has built- in digital fx. The main problem is that fx does not work at all when the mixer is assembled. Dissasembling the unit I get the fx to work, weirdly, but only if the line input jack on the first two channels (6,5mm) are touching the chassis. If the board is put in place, with all the jacks touching the chassis, fx doesn't work.
    I suspected some ground problem in the first place but every thing seems dead on, and the weird behavior puts me off. I worked on some solder joints that looked cold to me, but made no difference. The board is tight, with double- sided construction and surface mount components, no wiring except on the power jack. Everything else works well. I've seen a couple of similar models out there and it seems to be like a standard unit, there are a zillion chinese brands out there that have this kind of mixer, fx and all, with minor changes- bet they all use the same board. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    SO it works with only a couple of input jacks grounded. So get out a clip wire, ground one end of it, and touch it to the ground points of each of those other jacks to find out which ones kill it when they get grounded.

    Is there a footswitch jack for turning the FX on and off? If so, does plugging a foot switch into it do anything? ANy chance that jack is damaged causing it to be stuck off? (The grounding of the jack completes the circuit.)
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