Thank you for replying g-one. I took the control board from the faulty monitor and connected it to the good one and regardless of what position the switches were at,this control board performed exactly the same as the other.(no problem with volume in good monitor with any of the panels)
Connecting the control board from the good monitor into the faulty one made no difference to it.The volume was still lower with no switches pressed in,or voice or music switches pressed in.
The only way both monitors were equal volume was when the line/micro switch was pushed in.This makes the monitors very loud with hiss even at low volume when used with a mixer.
The difference in volume occurs when either no switches are pressed in,voice switch in ,or music switch pressed in.
Having both voice and music both pressed in together also doesn't cure the volume difference.
I hope you can understand my description. thank you
Connecting the control board from the good monitor into the faulty one made no difference to it.The volume was still lower with no switches pressed in,or voice or music switches pressed in.
The only way both monitors were equal volume was when the line/micro switch was pushed in.This makes the monitors very loud with hiss even at low volume when used with a mixer.
The difference in volume occurs when either no switches are pressed in,voice switch in ,or music switch pressed in.
Having both voice and music both pressed in together also doesn't cure the volume difference.
I hope you can understand my description. thank you