An Auzzie forum drew my attention to this site
which has a lot of good info to surf and "oodles" of on line calculators! *
Wasn't sure where to post this - perhaps M.E.F.
could have a Resource Favorites Links list for helpful sites?
Electric Charge and Electric Current
* Preamp Calculators
Cathode Bypass Capacitor
Coupling Capacitor
Bright Boost Capacitor
Grid Stopper Resistor
Plate Bypass Capacitor
Preamp Output Impedance
Thermal Noise
Phase Inverter Calculators
Bass Response
Long-Tailed-Pair Balance
Paraphase Inverter Values
Mixer Calculator
Common Plate Load Mixer
Power Amp Calculators
LTP Negative Feedback
Overdrive Bias Excursion
System Design Calculators
Cathode Follower Output Impedance
LC Ripple Filters
RC Ripple Filters
Wire Capacitance
Resistor Power Rating
Tube-Specific Calculators
12AX7/ECC83 Dual Triode
12AU7 Dual Triode
12AY7 Dual Triode
12AT7/ECC81 Dual Triode
6SN7/12SN7 Dual Triode
5751 Dual Triode
6386 Dual Triode
which has a lot of good info to surf and "oodles" of on line calculators! *
Wasn't sure where to post this - perhaps M.E.F.
could have a Resource Favorites Links list for helpful sites?
Electric Charge and Electric Current
* Preamp Calculators
Cathode Bypass Capacitor
Coupling Capacitor
Bright Boost Capacitor
Grid Stopper Resistor
Plate Bypass Capacitor
Preamp Output Impedance
Thermal Noise
Phase Inverter Calculators
Bass Response
Long-Tailed-Pair Balance
Paraphase Inverter Values
Mixer Calculator
Common Plate Load Mixer
Power Amp Calculators
LTP Negative Feedback
Overdrive Bias Excursion
System Design Calculators
Cathode Follower Output Impedance
LC Ripple Filters
RC Ripple Filters
Wire Capacitance
Resistor Power Rating
Tube-Specific Calculators
12AX7/ECC83 Dual Triode
12AU7 Dual Triode
12AY7 Dual Triode
12AT7/ECC81 Dual Triode
6SN7/12SN7 Dual Triode
5751 Dual Triode
6386 Dual Triode