So I've got a homemade pedal board with 3 components. A preamp, tuner, and some LED lights. Now that I've got them on the board, I'm wanting to power them all at once. Thus lies the problem..
Preamp runs off 9V AC
Tuner runs off 9V DC
LEDs run off 12V DC
I spent over an hour with the manager at my local radio shack who helped me figure this out as well as helped me figure out the polarity of the LEDs. Turns out, I can run the LEDs off 9V DC, but it's a positive polarity (compared to my tuner which runs off a negative polarity). So I've already cut the wire and flipped it so the wire going to the LEDs are the correct polarity.
So, now I have the lights daisy chained to the tuner, since they are both running 9V DC right now.
So that gives me 2 components are 9V DC and 1 component is 9V AC.
What I can't figure out, is there some sort of inline option where I can power the 9V AC component, then daisy chain out of that power supply and somehow convert it to DC power? That way I could have all 3 daisy chained running off 1 power supply (a 9V AC power supply).
Thanks in advance!
So I've got a homemade pedal board with 3 components. A preamp, tuner, and some LED lights. Now that I've got them on the board, I'm wanting to power them all at once. Thus lies the problem..
Preamp runs off 9V AC
Tuner runs off 9V DC
LEDs run off 12V DC
I spent over an hour with the manager at my local radio shack who helped me figure this out as well as helped me figure out the polarity of the LEDs. Turns out, I can run the LEDs off 9V DC, but it's a positive polarity (compared to my tuner which runs off a negative polarity). So I've already cut the wire and flipped it so the wire going to the LEDs are the correct polarity.
So, now I have the lights daisy chained to the tuner, since they are both running 9V DC right now.
So that gives me 2 components are 9V DC and 1 component is 9V AC.
What I can't figure out, is there some sort of inline option where I can power the 9V AC component, then daisy chain out of that power supply and somehow convert it to DC power? That way I could have all 3 daisy chained running off 1 power supply (a 9V AC power supply).
Thanks in advance!