The KB60 is a rugged, standards based amp that used commonly available parts. It can be repaired by almost any competent tech and should last for years of trouble-free operation. Get it repaired, a very old KB60 will outlast a new Behringer K1800FX. 20 years from now the KB60 could still be repairable because of using standard electronics parts. Most newer amp with modern features will not be repairable in 20 years or even 10 because they depend on custom limited production ASICs and programmed processors that are only made as long as the production run lasted. Anything that derives it sound from digital circuits is useless when the manufacturer runs out of old stock of single source parts. Think of them as they were designed to be, to be disposable, lots of functionality will they work and landfill when they don't. Home many parts are available to repair your 6 year old cell phone is a good way of putting it into perspective.
I would be surprised if there was a labor charge of more than one hour bench time, probably $65-75 for labor plus whatever the parts might cost.
I would be surprised if there was a labor charge of more than one hour bench time, probably $65-75 for labor plus whatever the parts might cost.