A. I've got this killer little set of Atomic I Humbuckers. My problem I'm having is finding the wiring schematic to both switch it to a Two Volume pot one Tone pot switch with a Pick-up switch. Also, do I need to use the old Pots from my Toronado that I ripped them from?
B. I'm putting them in an old Mako Explorer model. Any input on the idea?
C. Any one know a good way to tear into the finish on that thing? I've used a full can of Citri-strip and about 1/5 of a gallon of Zip-Strip. I've FINALLY broken through and have just the back mostly cleaned up.
Any help on ANY of my problems would be greatly appreciated. I kinda ran blindly into this.
B. I'm putting them in an old Mako Explorer model. Any input on the idea?
C. Any one know a good way to tear into the finish on that thing? I've used a full can of Citri-strip and about 1/5 of a gallon of Zip-Strip. I've FINALLY broken through and have just the back mostly cleaned up.
Any help on ANY of my problems would be greatly appreciated. I kinda ran blindly into this.