Originally posted by bob p
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I was also thinkin' "Electric Aunt Jemima" wont'cha cook a batch for me.
Please don't be drinking anything while listening to that tune as you may laugh so hard it will come out your nose.
Cicada invasion around here turned out to be a flop. Heard a couple, saw exactly one.
My neighbor and I successfully relocated 1 momma and 4 pup groundhogs within the last week. Peanuts got the first 4 into traps but it took gourmet bait - pistachios - to get the last one to "volunteer" to leave.
Cockroaches pack it in permanently with two weeks in deep freeze, any way you can do it. Outdoors in the winter, or fit the gear into a freezer (tightly bagged up of course) if you don't want to use poisons and you do have the space.
(Walter Cronkite voice) - "And that's the way it is."
I'm gonna bug out now.