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problem with yamaha msr 400

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  • problem with yamaha msr 400


    i recently purchased one Yamaha MSR 400 active speaker (MSR400 | Speakers | Products | Yamaha) and i`m having a problem with it. When connected to any audio source it can`t "play" all the frequency range. What i mean is, i only have high/low frequencies even if i work with the onboard equalizer. But, when i connect it to an active monitor (Laney, don`t know which model for sure) it acts as it should. Could the amp on the speaker be broken? Can you help me with that? Thank you.

  • #2
    There is most likely something wrong in the preamp.
    There are two separate power amplifiers.
    One for the bass, which has peak power at 500Hz & one for the tweeter, which peaks at 6.5K.
    In the middle of those two it is the job of the active crossover circuitry, to maintain an even, across the board frequency output.
    The crossover frequency is 1.5K
    Link to schematic:
    Last edited by Jazz P Bass; 07-24-2013, 06:25 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jazz P Bass View Post
      There is most likely something wrong in the preamp.
      There are two separate power amplifiers.
      One for the bass, which has peak power at 500Hz & one for the tweeter, which peaks at 6.5K.
      In the middle of those two it is the job of the active crossover circuitry, to maintain an even, across the board frequency output.
      The crossover frequency is 1.5K
      Link to schematic:Yamaha MSR400 Service Manual free download,schematics,datasheets,eeprom bins,pcb,repair info for test equipment and electronics
      ty for the response. is there a way to test this before i sent it to warranty?


      • #4
        It will not be an easy task.
        If it is under warranty, take it in, by all means.

