Originally posted by Steve Conner
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Something to take into account for gear-oriented guitarists: the crowd doesn't care what your axe, rig & ancillaries are. Just that the band is groovin' in whatever way they should.
OTOH there's the "If you think you sound good, you'll play good" notion and that can mean psyching oneself up with whatever gear Eric Ray Hendrix used & like that. Musicians from beginner to 50-year-on-the-road seasoned pros fall prey to the notion they can't play unless they have thus-and-such. It IS hard to let go of the notion that "I can't sound good without my Belchfire 500 amp stack and Big Buzzer pedal." Yet some top players don't worry and sound like themselves no matter what, as evidenced by the Jeff Beck anecdote elsewhere on this thread. (#11, Mick Bailey)
For the OP I see a graphic EQ in the FX loop, and of course a gate. How this gets done on a near zero budget I dunno. Of course Enzo's "try different speakers" is the first order of business, wise advice and one I tell people all the time. Half the time they wind up getting Vintage 30's, the other half, anything & everything ranging from JBL D K or E 120s all the way to Tone Tubby San Rafael 25W super mellow tone.
Inside Mr. Velten's amp I'll bet you find a PC board peppered with surface-mount components and near impossible to work on unless you're a mouse with a mouse sized soldering iron. An invitation to avoid repairs (can you say disposable?) much less mods.
edit: to credit Mick Bailey.