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50k linear 60mm fader source?

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  • 50k linear 60mm fader source?

    I have a CR1604 Mackie that has a lot of worn out linear faders, part number 130-005-0 that used to be very common but can't seem to find a supplier for them. Loud will not send anything to countries with distributors despite having no distributor in a county of 145,000,000 who will sell any parts. I was hoping I could find them in the UK due to much lower shipping costs, like $80 less, but no luck. They were Panasonic's if I remember correctly but none of the parts house that send to Russia seem to carry them any more. Any ideas? I need at least 15.

  • #2
    I don't remember the pinout of the faders on the old CR1604. Would the "slimline" ALPS faders fit?

    edit: No they won't, found the service doc for the old 1604, the faders have the Meggitt/CTS pin layout. Bugger.
    Last edited by flyingdutchman; 11-17-2013, 09:44 PM. Reason: answered my own question ;)


    • #3
      Those mixers used are not worth much anymore, what price would you need those faders at to be worth fixing?
      Had same issue about a year ago and skipped the fader part of repair (same as yours, almost all were scratchy or had dead spots). The faders were somewhere between $10 to $15 each from Loud.
      To do the repair would have been getting close to the cost of a brand new replacement mixer from behringer.
      However I have since read that there are behringer faders that will fit and cost less.
      Perhaps someone here will know which ones or if there is some other cheap generic drop in replacement (might not have center detent).
      Originally posted by Enzo
      I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


      • #4
        Originally posted by g-one View Post
        However I have since read that there are behringer faders that will fit and cost less.
        If there are, I've never seen them. All behringer faders I've seen have ALPS style pinout. Dimensions are very similar, but the pins are in the wrong places.
        Perhaps someone here will know which ones or if there is some other cheap generic drop in replacement (might not have center detent).
        RS and Farnell used to carry faders with this pinout, but they no longer have them. Haven't been able to find them anywhere. I currently have a cheap DMX controller sitting on a shelf with a few busted faders of the same type, no luck.

        If I'd want to replace faders on an old Mackie, I'd fabricate adapter PCBs that take ALPS faders (widely available at a few dollars each) and can be fitted in place of the original faders with short bits of stiff wire and some hot melt glue if need be.


        • #5
          Sounds good but a fair amount of labour cost for a mixer that isn't worth much anymore. New mixers are incredibly cheap, something similar to the 1604 for around $200.
          Originally posted by Enzo
          I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


          • #6
            I was pretty sure they were Panasonics and did a little more searching and found they are dual track EWAPA series 45mm, where the two 50k tracks are paralleled by being jumpered on the pc board. Full Compass has them for over $11 which when combined with $100 shipping puts the cost from them about double the board's worth. The only problem is that $200 cheapie boards here are $400-500.
            The worst ones were taken apart and cleaned, deoxidized, brushes reformed and lubed sliders but they are just too worn. The amazing thing is this thing has never been worked on before and has been working for decades in a smokey jazz club so it was coating in a mix of smoke and kitchen grease. Pretty impressive all in all. I am going to suggest getting another new board from outside the country.

            I did find an distributor in Hong Kong that had very good prices but with a minimum order of 100 that would be cheaper total than getting 16 from Full Compass. They are a distributor that I have ordered before in volume from them. I ordered a lot of MJ15024/25 for a better price than I used to get them directly from ON, and they came dropped shipped from On. Minimum Quant was 100 for each line item.

            Off topic:
            From past experience, these small Panasonic faders and the excellent 100mm wide frame faders used in the 8 bus and Behringer MX9000 were the best cheap faders available. The Panasonic 100 mm faders used to cost $9 and were more accurate in tracking than some $80 100mm console laser trimmed faders that we used in the large frame modular studio consoles.


            • #7
              Update: Solved via kludge. I could not find a fader that was available before New Years even at $10/ea so talking with the client, decided to order Bourns 45mm faders from England at $1.20 that require drilling two small screw holes in the top panel at either end of the slot and wiring the faders to the main board using a header a few header connectors to allow disassembly.
              It costs $80-165 for shipping a few ounces from the US in 7-10 days but 20 euros gets 22 lbs from England in 3-4 days. Duh...I order a lot from Farnell now, fast, easy and very reasonable. Digitkey is a little cheaper in catalog price but very high in shipping. Some parts are actually cheaper here, such as SMD ICs, if they are in stock.

