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Peavey XR560

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  • Peavey XR560

    How do I get rid of a hum in my Peavey XR560?

  • #2
    Originally posted by phashman View Post
    How do I get rid of a hum in my Peavey XR560?
    Teach it the words...


    • #3
      Welcome to the place.

      You need to give us more information. An amp can hum in a thousand different ways for a thousand different reasons.

      In any case until you know it is safe to do so, do not turn on the amp with a speaker cabinet connected except for testing.


      • #4
        Thanks for the reply.

        I don't know enough to give you more. I only know that when I plug it in and turn it on I hear a hum. Thanks, sorry I can't give you more.
        Originally posted by 52 Bill View Post
        Welcome to the place.

        You need to give us more information. An amp can hum in a thousand different ways for a thousand different reasons.

        In any case until you know it is safe to do so, do not turn on the amp with a speaker cabinet connected except for testing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by phashman View Post
          I don't know enough to give you more. I only know that when I plug it in and turn it on I hear a hum. Thanks, sorry I can't give you more.
          Okay, can you see the speaker cone on the speaker cabinet that you are using? If you can, does the cone move in or out and then just stay there when the amp is turned on? If it does, turn off the amp and unplug the speaker because you could do damage the speaker.

          If the speaker just moves in or out and then settles back in the normal resting position, then you can leave it connected for the time being.

          Is the hum loud and buzzy or is it smooth, low and moderate in volume? Does it get louder or softer when you turn any of the controls? Is it present on all channels or just one or two? If there is nothing plugged into the front of the amp does it still hum? If you give the cabinet a good thump with your fist does the hum stop or change in any way? You might want to turn down the reverb before you thump the amp.

          Give us some sort of information and we can guide you.


          • #6
            Bill isw asking what we need to know. However, whatever we determine, it is going to involve soldering on the circuit board. Are you able to do that? Can you use a volt/ohm meter?
            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


            • #7
              More info

              I don't hear the hum in the speakers only in the amp. It doesn't change with any adjustment of the controls. The sound is there when nothing is plugged in to the front. It didn't change with striking the cabinet. The hum is low and moderate.
              Originally posted by 52 Bill View Post
              Okay, can you see the speaker cone on the speaker cabinet that you are using? If you can, does the cone move in or out and then just stay there when the amp is turned on? If it does, turn off the amp and unplug the speaker because you could do damage the speaker.

              If the speaker just moves in or out and then settles back in the normal resting position, then you can leave it connected for the time being.

              Is the hum loud and buzzy or is it smooth, low and moderate in volume? Does it get louder or softer when you turn any of the controls? Is it present on all channels or just one or two? If there is nothing plugged into the front of the amp does it still hum? If you give the cabinet a good thump with your fist does the hum stop or change in any way? You might want to turn down the reverb before you thump the amp.

              Give us some sort of information and we can guide you.


              • #8
                I don't have those skills myself, but my brother does.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by phashman View Post
                  I don't hear the hum in the speakers only in the amp.
                  I don't understand you here. Are you saying that if you plug in the amp with no speaker connected the amp hums?


                  • #10
                    Yes, that's what happens.
                    Originally posted by 52 Bill View Post
                    I don't understand you here. Are you saying that if you plug in the amp with no speaker connected the amp hums?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by phashman View Post
                      Yes, that's what happens.
                      Well just about the only thing that can cause that is the power transformer. Sometimes they can come loose from vibration, etc.

                      Look at the bottom of the case. Do you see any 1/4 inch hex head screws there? If you do, see if they are tight. Also check to see if the screws that hold the back panel are tight.

                      If tightening the screws doesn't fix it, it will be time to have your brother open up the case.


                      • #12
                        How bout posting a schematic??


                        • #13
                          Peavey XR560 Schematic

                          Here it is.
                          Attached Files

