Hi there,
I have a SPX815 powered mixer on the bench at the moment and I'm totally stumped. It arrived with a low distorted signal output on the left side and running it up on the scope we had the wave below.

While I was testing the transistors I shorted out a transistor (Q805) which in turn took out all the output transistors and few other components (circled on schematic)
Wharfdale SPX815.pdf
I replaced all the parts and while doing so noted the input circuit was underneath the board (all SMD). So I tested what I could and replaced a burnt out transistor (Q802A) and later (U801A)
Then I ran it up on the scope again and got a clean sine wave yay! But... and here in lies the problem when I plug the in the speaker I get output for a couple of seconds then the protection circuit kicks in for 5 secs and so on. I know the speaker is fine and there is 0V on the output before the relays so now I'm stumped??? Having never worked with this type of circuit before ( I normally repair guitar amps etc)
Can anybody help me please?
Many thanks in advance,
I have a SPX815 powered mixer on the bench at the moment and I'm totally stumped. It arrived with a low distorted signal output on the left side and running it up on the scope we had the wave below.
While I was testing the transistors I shorted out a transistor (Q805) which in turn took out all the output transistors and few other components (circled on schematic)
Wharfdale SPX815.pdf
I replaced all the parts and while doing so noted the input circuit was underneath the board (all SMD). So I tested what I could and replaced a burnt out transistor (Q802A) and later (U801A)
Then I ran it up on the scope again and got a clean sine wave yay! But... and here in lies the problem when I plug the in the speaker I get output for a couple of seconds then the protection circuit kicks in for 5 secs and so on. I know the speaker is fine and there is 0V on the output before the relays so now I'm stumped??? Having never worked with this type of circuit before ( I normally repair guitar amps etc)
Can anybody help me please?
Many thanks in advance,