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Reverend Hellhound added a choke and now have odd symptom

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  • Reverend Hellhound added a choke and now have odd symptom

    Hey Folks,

    I decided to add a choke to a Reverend Hellhound. Figure it was good idea since the heaters are DC. I added a 4H 90mA Fender style choke. I replaced a 10w 1k resistor located between two 100uf 500v Caps.
    Now, on the 40W setting of the 'Schizo" switch it sounds normal. Maybe a bit cleaner. but, on the 60W setting, when a note is decaying, it peters out with a 'frazzle' sound (for lack of a better description). It kind of fizzles at the end.

    Do you think this is enough of a choke for the application? Could this be the issue? Or, does the resister need to be there even with the choke?

    Could something else be going on?

    I'm a bit new to electronics, so if something is too complex I may need to take to a repair service.

    Thanks for nany help!

  • #2
    A note that fizzles out on the decay is sometimes a symptom of crossover distortion. Did you adjust the bias?
    Last edited by Mick Bailey; 07-09-2014, 05:32 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks Mick. Good point.
      I did play around with the Hellhound last night, and when switching between 40 and 60 watt setting on the Schizo switch, there was an audible drop and a momentary warbling sound. I'm beginning to suspect the switch itself is bad. Thanks for the help. I'll have the bias checked as well.

