My old FPT PA is acting up lately. It's one of those PAs with two bass speakers on the floor and another speaker cab on top of each one. When you turn it up it sounds really great but after a while the upper speakers start to distort - not necessarely both at the same time. I guess it's a heat related problem. The mixer and cables have been ruled out. It must be somewhere in the PA. Are there any obvious reasons for this? Any ides?
My old FPT PA is acting up lately. It's one of those PAs with two bass speakers on the floor and another speaker cab on top of each one. When you turn it up it sounds really great but after a while the upper speakers start to distort - not necessarely both at the same time. I guess it's a heat related problem. The mixer and cables have been ruled out. It must be somewhere in the PA. Are there any obvious reasons for this? Any ides?