It powers on and sounds but there is a very noticeable buzz/hum on the low and hi frequency driversas soon as it clicks (powers on). I has tested so many components and continuity tested for all their pc board tracks for any open track, I also has replaced the two main power supply C75/C76 (10,000uf/63Volt) caps, but nothing change., the only rare thing I noticing are the Q17 (2SB1186A) driver transistor which heats so so much., on this I have replaced this transistor by a new one and genuine together with the other side Q11 (2SD2763A) without success, so it keeps heating to much and buzz/hum. I has also replaced almost all their near associates components and the two power transistors (A1302/C3281) but nothing change. All these done on the LF Amp stage schema. Thare are anyone that has have this or something like this issue that can help me with some light/suggestions please, Thanks a million in advance!!!! (sorry because my English are not the best but I believe it can understand
