Im "upgrading'' a souncraft ghost console. Caps and opamps. the stock opamps are TL072 and NE5532, im replacing those with OPA2604 and LME49860.
The idea is to replace that components on the entire console. Now i have done half (16 ch) and its everything ok except that im getting some little oscilations i think, it happens with high gain (gain trim on 50-60db) its like a copy of the input signal but faint and distorted on the background, almost imperceptible. that issue leaks through channels even muted.
The other think is power supply, there is not too much supply current difference between ne5532 and lme49860 (10-13mA) but there is a significant difference between tl072 (2,5mA) and opa2604 (10,5mA), so in theory i need like a 1,7 extra amps for this chips, is that right?
Now im running the console with 16 ch upgraded and 16ch stock with no power problems, but i think that will be an issue when i do the other channels. Any tips?

btw, the PSU claims 5.25A per rail +/-17V
The idea is to replace that components on the entire console. Now i have done half (16 ch) and its everything ok except that im getting some little oscilations i think, it happens with high gain (gain trim on 50-60db) its like a copy of the input signal but faint and distorted on the background, almost imperceptible. that issue leaks through channels even muted.
The other think is power supply, there is not too much supply current difference between ne5532 and lme49860 (10-13mA) but there is a significant difference between tl072 (2,5mA) and opa2604 (10,5mA), so in theory i need like a 1,7 extra amps for this chips, is that right?
Now im running the console with 16 ch upgraded and 16ch stock with no power problems, but i think that will be an issue when i do the other channels. Any tips?

btw, the PSU claims 5.25A per rail +/-17V