Generally, you can test a diode in circuit unless you read a short. It should read roughly the same as a transistor junction using diode check function (.6 or so forward biased). If you read a short, then unsolder one end of the diode and see if the short is caused by the diode or the circuit it is connected to. Of course if you get no voltage drop or a drop higher than .6 or so, the diode is likely open.
As far as terminology, 'Open' or 'Infinite' works for me. The reason Enzo brings this up is because "no reading" can be interpreted as a short or open. It is not clear to us what you mean and the two are exact opposites.
As far as terminology, 'Open' or 'Infinite' works for me. The reason Enzo brings this up is because "no reading" can be interpreted as a short or open. It is not clear to us what you mean and the two are exact opposites.