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Echoplex shuts off after a few minuts of use

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Frankrocks View Post
    are you leaning towards the fan as being the main problem to the unit needing to be reset?
    Can't imagine anything else in there could draw enough current to trip the breaker. Could be the motor seizes and stops when it overheats, tries to draw a lot of current to get itself started, that would be a failure mode for sure*. Lucky it's forgiving enough to start up again after cooling off. If you get a fan in there and no more breaker popping, then you'll know for sure. Then I'd recommend following up with normal maintenance as detailed on Regis' page.

    * If you had a light bulb limiter, that's the moment when you would see the lamp start to glow brightly.
    This isn't the future I signed up for.


    • #17
      Look at it this way, you need to have the fan in there whether it is what is causing this particular problem or not.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Frankrocks View Post
        ... It is a EP3 and it loses power. The tape stops turning but if I push the reset button it will restart again. It will run for a bit then shut down again...
        Originally posted by Frankrocks View Post
        ...are you leaning towards the fan as being the main problem to the unit needing to be reset?
        I’d say that we need to put some time values on how long it runs before it shuts down before we can answer.
        1. How long before it shuts down?
        2. How long did you wait before resetting the breaker?
        3. When it starts back up how long is “ for a bit...”?
        4. Has the run time been relatively consistent between tries?

        If the run time is relatively short until shut down from a cold start then I would be less inclined to think that the missing fan is the only problem.

        I diagnostic test would be to run the unit outside the box with an external fan (room fan would do it) blowing on the motor. If the problem was just the missing fan on the motor shaft then the unit would keep running with external cooling.

        If it does shut down with the external cooling fan then unplug the unit and feel the motor. Is it hot?

        Edit: I see I was posting at the same time as Enzo.
        To summarize - I agree that the fan needs to be replaced. My suspicion is that there is something else wrong with the unit. It certainly hasn't had the best of service because someone worked on it and left it without the fan.
        Last edited by Tom Phillips; 09-07-2015, 11:20 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tom Phillips View Post
          To summarize - I agree that the fan needs to be replaced. My suspicion is that there is something else wrong with the unit. It certainly hasn't had the best of service because someone worked on it and left it without the fan.
          Those motors get plenty toasty even with a fan. I fear for the motor windings & bearings if this goes on much longer. Typical circuit items can be replaced once there's a fan in place, old filter caps high on the list. Way long time ago I used the same kind of Echoplex as a PA delay unit, in the dinosaur days before digital delay became available & affordable, had my hand on the 'plex a lot and it sure did warm up with use.
          This isn't the future I signed up for.


          • #20
            And if the motor hasn't been serviced lately, additional heat can be created by gummed up bearings.

            It used to be that you could find surplus motors with cooling fans all of the time. If you can find an old muffin fan from a computer that has a large enough center hub that can be drilled to fit the drive motor, you might be able to fit it in there.


            • #21
              Hey Leo,
              I found a fan Propeller That fits nice. It is a 2 1/8 Diameter propeller blade with proper shaft.. Fits the shaft nicely. after a few hours of use It gradually got to the point where it doesn't trip the breaker. It may be that the bearings are loosening up. Dis a mild lube. 1 drop of phnematic oil on spindle base points.
              The more I run it the better it gets...Crossing my fingers..


              • #22
                hey Enzo,
                Thanks for the advice. and I took it. Hit the ground running.
                found a fan Propeller That fits nice. It is a 2 1/8 Diameter propeller blade with proper shaft.. Fits the shaft nicely. after a few hours of use It gradually got to the point where it doesn't trip the breaker. It may be that the bearings are loosening up. Dis a mild lube. 1 drop of phnematic oil on spindle base points.
                The more I run it the better it gets...Crossing my fingers..


                • #23
                  So far so good..What is a lubricated replacement tape. I am having a hard time trying to identify an exact brand and model tape to use. Any info available about this.
                  Thanks. You guys are like the doctors of vintage electronics.
                  Just awesome forum.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Frankrocks View Post
                    So far so good..What is a lubricated replacement tape. I am having a hard time trying to identify an exact brand and model tape to use. Any info available about this.
                    Glad to hear that it is working for you. Lubricated tape is made with a lubricated backing film for use in tape cartridges. I don't think that anybody is making it anymore. One source would be old tape cartridges like 8-track tapes. You might find blank 8-track tapes on eBay or in resale or surplus shops. I used to see new unopened blank 8-tracks at Goodwill stores.


                    • #25
                      It isn't oily, it has a rear surface that is slippery, like Teflon or something. I forget the official term. "Continuous" is probably in the term.
                      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                      • #26
                        That is great information. I didn't know * track will work. I will experiment with a old 8 trck tape that is laying around. I assume the recorded music on the tape will erase one I start recording on the Plex. Or will I hear background music?
                        Thanks again.

                        P.S. How do I start a new thread...I have a Fuzz Wah morley pedal I and a trying to fix and was hoping you guys could help.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Frankrocks View Post
                          That is great information. I didn't know * track will work. I will experiment with a old 8 trck tape that is laying around. I assume the recorded music on the tape will erase one I start recording on the Plex. Or will I hear background music?
                          Thanks again.

                          P.S. How do I start a new thread...I have a Fuzz Wah morley pedal I and a trying to fix and was hoping you guys could help.
                          It's remarkable & wonderful, we have a sort of meta-mind here, most any problem can be solved.

                          Good to hear your motor's settling down with its new fan, let's hope it keeps going.

                          Lubricated tape for use in continuous loops may be found at a supplier aimed at radio stations. I'm sure 99% of broadcasters have gone digital but those few who still use "carts" need that stuff. "Carts" = cartridges similar to the 8-track consumer cartridges but the station engineers would put ads, jingles, goofy noises, PSA announcements on loops just long enough to contain the recorded material. Search for places that have Echoplex parts, you'll find some that have the tape on reel, you'll have to splice the loop to make your own. One method I've tried is to splice new tape onto old and let the machine drag new tape thru the cart while dumping the old tape into a wastebasket. It may work fine to nick tape from old 8-tracks but I worry about 30+ year old tape quickly shedding its oxide layer. Freshness counts.

                          A couple passes thru your Echoplex may be needed to wipe out previous tracks on used 8-track tape.

                          To start new thread, click on "Forum", select the department most appropriate to your inquiry, click on that & you'll find a "start thread" button on top, punch on that & let 'er rip.
                          This isn't the future I signed up for.


                          • #28
                            If you are going that route, stop by the local radio stations and ask if they have any old carts they would give you. They haven't used them in ages, but may have some in a closet wasting space.

                            I still have a couple carts from my days on the radio almost 50 years ago. My signature "drop-ins" I used.
                            Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                            • #29
                              If it's the motor I'm thinking of, what happens is the bearings be come tarnished and/ or out of round. What can usually be done is you completely disassemble the motor and clean the parts in solvent. The you can "reverse" mount the bearings so the least deformed area is your functional surface. Ideally you would replace the motor or the bearings, but many times you can get a few more hundred hours of functionality by doing this.


                              • #30
                                Hey Leo, So far so good with the motor..I haven't replaced the tape yet but noticed the on off function is not working with the pedal. I can't turn the echo off. Sound on sound function works well with the pedal but not the on off echo.
                                Could it be something simple That I am not doing or is it more involved.
                                Thanks again for all the help

