Because the whole environmental thing was never designed to be fair and equitable. It's about control. You get caught dumping oil in the local ditch, you're fined to an amount that utterly ruins you financially, socially, and have to go check in to your corporate masters to put gruel on your table. Exxon does it, fined a peanut amount in comparison, oh, here's pagamento in cash, and they're too big to fail anyway, so here's your bailout, too. It eliminates the small players by stacking the deck in favor of those who can pay off punishments, instead of based on actual competition grounds like quality. It doesn't help that no one really cares about quality any more, but that's a different rant...
Calli me cynical, but Chuck, you're a painter. How do you fare if you get caught dumping in the local reservoir? I'd guess you're finished...
Calli me cynical, but Chuck, you're a painter. How do you fare if you get caught dumping in the local reservoir? I'd guess you're finished...