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Valley People Dyna-mite problem

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  • Valley People Dyna-mite problem

    Hi, im working on this compressor, very clever and complex circuit, im having trouble to find the problem cause.
    One channel is working properly. the other one is not compressing, the meter starts to lit led by led while i turn the threshold control CCW, but it never comes back! and the volume just comes up whit no limiting.
    first thing i did was swap ICs one by one between channels, which makes no difference. then i start to trace the release circuit, and I found 13VDC stuck on pin 8 of IC9. on the working channel this voltage should move from -13vdc to +13vdc depending on the position of threshold control. In couple mode both channels work fine...

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	870113

  • #2
    I'd be looking for reasons for U9 pin 8 being high. Things that feed it are other outputs of U9 & U5.

    This service manual has some explanations might help:
    Attached Files
    Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


    • #3
      I don't know how much this applies, but I repaired one last year. The nylon little nuts and bolts had deteriorated over time, breaking off and seperating the heat sinks from the voltage regulators. This caused them to get too hot and melt solder and char up a couple of leg connections.
      It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....

