Local C list free section gave away Ampeg SVT-7 Pro that is totally dead, no nothing on power up.
first off, fan header is disconnected on main board, so it got HOT, a 3 wire fan with a safety shutoff would be a good idea...
sure enough Infineon SMPS IC (ICE2A165) looks scorched

And R46 (removed) measures way more than 1 ohm
Also over by the funky bare metal 0.02 Ohm resistors there is a cooked resistor and film cap (C16)

schematic says resistor (R115) should be 22 ohms but it measures 54 ohms, bands are long gone...
gotta clean up board

several people think the tube heater causes SMPS chip to overheat, and recommend replacing with ICE2A265 with heatsink. Later versions supposedly got rid of the optos associated with the burned R115/C16
Lots of problems on these units, people pay $700 for this ticking time bomb? jeesh...
first off, fan header is disconnected on main board, so it got HOT, a 3 wire fan with a safety shutoff would be a good idea...
sure enough Infineon SMPS IC (ICE2A165) looks scorched
And R46 (removed) measures way more than 1 ohm
Also over by the funky bare metal 0.02 Ohm resistors there is a cooked resistor and film cap (C16)
schematic says resistor (R115) should be 22 ohms but it measures 54 ohms, bands are long gone...
gotta clean up board
several people think the tube heater causes SMPS chip to overheat, and recommend replacing with ICE2A265 with heatsink. Later versions supposedly got rid of the optos associated with the burned R115/C16
Lots of problems on these units, people pay $700 for this ticking time bomb? jeesh...