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Egnater Renagade 60 watt Amp blows fuses

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  • Egnater Renagade 60 watt Amp blows fuses

    I have an Egnater Renegade 212 combo. About a couple of years ago I lightly wiggled the EL34
    tube, which was about 3 millimeters from complete insertion from the El34 tube socket, while
    the amplifier was still on, and the fuse blew causing the amplifier to have any power.

    I took the amplifier to a local amplifier repair shop in town, and the amp tech told me
    a washer was smashed, causing damage on the pcb board. He put a lot of work in repairing
    the amplifier but could not get it up and running. He decided just to charge me a bench fee
    which was satisfactory compromise to me.

    I took the amp home and ran it under a variac at about 90 volts. Everything lit up and the
    amplifier seemed to be funtional. I decided to plug the combo speaker which was stock for
    this amplifier and when I did, the fuse blew again.

    Please help me troubleshoot this problem if you will or give me some suggestions.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Welcome to the place.
    Originally posted by amonarch View Post
    I took the amp home and ran it under a variac at about 90 volts. Everything lit up and the amplifier seemed to be funtional. I decided to plug the combo speaker which was stock for this amplifier and when I did, the fuse blew again.
    If this is a tube amp, it must always have a speaker or resistance load connected to it, otherwise it may be damaged.

    Do you know what the person that worked on it did to it? What did he mean about a washer being damaged?

    If you plan to repair this yourself, you might want to build yourself a light bulb limiter to help you do it safely and without wasting a lot of fuses.

    Do you have a copy of the schematic for this amp?

