I am trying to fix this unit. I have never worked on one before.
I can get a signal through it but there is no echo. All I have is a new blank tape
so I put a signal generator probe near the playback head and I get a signal through it.
I originally found 2 electrolytic capacitors wide open so I changed them and 5 others
for good measure. All the heads read ok resistance wise. The schematic calls for 37VP-P
and I only had 13VP-P so I adjusted the bias and now it is correct. The manual says the
frequency is 100KHZ but I read 72KHZ. I don't know if that's a problem or not.
All DC voltages on transistors read good except Q4. It calls for 14.3 on the collector and I have
13V. It calls for 2.2V on the base and I have 2.6V. The emitter calls for 16V and I have 2 volts.
I changed the transistor even though it checked ok.
I have attached the schematic.
Thank you.
I am trying to fix this unit. I have never worked on one before.
I can get a signal through it but there is no echo. All I have is a new blank tape
so I put a signal generator probe near the playback head and I get a signal through it.
I originally found 2 electrolytic capacitors wide open so I changed them and 5 others
for good measure. All the heads read ok resistance wise. The schematic calls for 37VP-P
and I only had 13VP-P so I adjusted the bias and now it is correct. The manual says the
frequency is 100KHZ but I read 72KHZ. I don't know if that's a problem or not.
All DC voltages on transistors read good except Q4. It calls for 14.3 on the collector and I have
13V. It calls for 2.2V on the base and I have 2.6V. The emitter calls for 16V and I have 2 volts.
I changed the transistor even though it checked ok.
I have attached the schematic.
Thank you.