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Crest HP-8 DC voltages detected on auxilliary outputs

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  • Crest HP-8 DC voltages detected on auxilliary outputs

    I've been trying to solve this problem for the longest time. I have a Crest HP8 48-channel mixing console that has a problem with +15vdc detected on auxiliary outputs 1, 2, 3, and 7. I'm not sure what components could be causing it, but does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

    I can send the schematic via email if you don't have it. The file's too large to send as an attachment.

  • #2
    Quote: " The file's too large to send as an attachment. "

    Get 'Cute PDF Writer'.
    It's free.

    It sets up as a 'printer'.

    Pull up the Crest pdf file & 'print' the page or the area in question.
    Cute will make it into a pdf file.


    • #3
      I would bet my lunch money that you have shorted clamping diodes. I could be wrong.
      Look for pairs of the small 1N4148 type diodes associated with each of those outputs. From the output line there would be one diode to each 15v rail, wired in reverse bias. A shorted one puts 15v on that line. They would be in your schematic if they exist.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

