I've got some very basic questions that I'm having trouble getting answered by Googling.
I want to do some very simple setting up of sound/instrument equipment at home. I don't understand the difference between powered and unpowered mixers and between speakers/amps/cabinets/monitors. Can y'all please give me a basic understanding of what I need.
Here's what I want to hook up: 1 electronic piano, 1 acoustic/electric guitar, 2 electric guitars, and PC (eventually).
Mostly I just plan to use it at home to avoid having to plug and unplug various cords and cables when I want to switch instruments. But I might be interested in using it as a PA system when I play somewhere else. So portability would be desirable.
I have a guitar amplifier (Crate) that I could use for sound, but don't have to if another option would be better.
So what would you experts recommend?

Here's what I want to hook up: 1 electronic piano, 1 acoustic/electric guitar, 2 electric guitars, and PC (eventually).
Mostly I just plan to use it at home to avoid having to plug and unplug various cords and cables when I want to switch instruments. But I might be interested in using it as a PA system when I play somewhere else. So portability would be desirable.
I have a guitar amplifier (Crate) that I could use for sound, but don't have to if another option would be better.
So what would you experts recommend?